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  • Writer's pictureRachael Tsang

Can microblading cause scars or keloid scars?

Microblading is a technique to apply semi permanent makeup into the skin, using a hand held manual tool made up of tiny pins. As the microblading artist glides this tool into the superficial layer of the skin (shallow layer, not deep) small cuts are formed and the pigment is deposited.

When the skin encounters an injury, our bodies naturally start a process of healing to protect itself from further injury or infection.

Scars developing after microblading are extremely rare but do exist and every client needs to be made aware that the risk does exist, before opting to go ahead. Reasons for why scars may develop:

During the procedure

  1. The microblading artist has not used sterile tools, leading to risk of an infection

  2. The microblading artist has worked too deeply in the skin, leading to scar formation

After the procedure

  1. The client has not follow the aftercare advice properly, leading to an infection developing after the procedure

  2. An underlying medical condition which leads to a healing complication

How to reduce risk of scar formation with microblading

  1. Firstly, it is important to choose a reputable microblading artist, not only for their artistry but for their hygiene too. Look at the environment, is the room clean? Does the artist have gloves to wear during the procedure? Some microblading tools can be sterilised, but most are a single use item, meaning they are disposed of after every client and not re-used for anyone else. They should also come packaged individually. A best microblading artist will make a point to show you the unopened, sterile tool before they start using it for your treatment. If you are unsure of the tools your artist is using, don’t be afraid to ask them to show you. A safe microblading artist will happily show you. If you still feel unsure of the hygiene and cross-contamination, maybe it’s time to leave and find someone you trust.

  2. It is hard to know whether a microblading artist has worked too deeply into the skin but again this is where research is necessary to pick a good artist. Read reviews and testimonials from others, go with a recommendation from a friend, look at images of artists’ work. One piece of personal advice, is that using low cost as a lead to choosing a microblading artist, is not the time to be money savvy. Yes, prices vary, and some of us love a bargain or begrudge paying the over the odds for something. But microblading is a service. You pay for the experience and professionalism of an artist, and the quality of their tools and pigments.

  3. Follow your artist’s aftercare advice to look after your brows properly after the treatment. When the artist says, do not pick, touch or rub your brows, please do not pick touch or rub your brows! Microblading is a treatment that relies on good skin healing to achieve best microblading results. Any disturbance of the skin’s natural healing process may lead to infection (although rare), which may in turn lead to scarring

  4. Disclose your medical history to your microblading artist. We promise we are not being nosey, we just want to ensure you are suitable for semi permanent makeup and want to keep you safe. By being made aware of any medical problems, or medication you are taking, we can risk assess you for any healing complications that may occur

What is keloid scarring?

A keloid is an enlarged, raised or lumpy scar, usually darker in colour to the rest of the skin, and develops after an injury to the skin. They are most common in African and Indian communities but they can develop in anyone. Doctors do not understand completely why they form, but it is thought to be due to an overproduction of collagen (skin’s protein) after injury.

If you have suffered with keloid scarring before, it is hard to say whether microblading will cause a keloid scar, as they most commonly develop on the upper shoulders, chest, earlobe and neck, but is is definitely something to consider when choosing to have microblading.

Your microblading artist will ask you further questions about types of skin injury you have had in the past and how your body healed it, to try to determine the risk.

If you are worried about scarring or have any other questions, please visit and feel free to ask!

The Face Frame is a top rated microblading London clinic, based in Marylebone, Central London.

Rachael x

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