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  • Writer's pictureRachael Tsang

Microblading London 04/01/22

It was the first day back in the clinic for me and as much as I have enjoyed the Christmas and New Year break, I count myself lucky to be able to say that I am excited to get back to work!

The new year is a start for many to make a positive change, instil good habits and create resolutions to feel better. Microblading is a treatment that can really have a positive impact on how we feel. Eyebrows frame our eyes and are a focal point in communication with others, so of course, making them picture perfect is a great way to boost how we feel about ourselves. Many of you have thought about Microblading for a few months, perhaps a few years. It really is one of those treatments that most of (if not all) my clients wish they had plucked up the courage to do sooner! If you are considering it, I would be more than happy to have a chat with you, so please feel free to get in touch!

One of my clients today arrived with a lovely shape to her brows and was so good at grooming them already (she threads them herself!). The reason she came to see me was because her eyebrows were a little sparse in some areas and she just wanted to take away the need to pencil and powder in her brows with makeup every day.

After selecting a shade of pigment to match her existing hairs and skin tone, we carefully started to microblade in the same direction as the hairs to give the most natural outcome. She was super happy and I can’t wait to see how they heal.

After a day at the microblading London clinic, I popped into Itsu on Baker Street for a quick sushi snack before heading home and to the gym! One of my new year’s resolutions is to get back to being consistent with exercise. I used to be an avid gym goer but COVID-19 brought that to a halt. I finished the day in the sauna and it was bliss!

For anyone wanting to make a change and feel more confident with new brows, please feel free to get in touch to discuss whether microblading is for you!

Rachael x

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